Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I am going to post my answer to the question I mentioned in my post last night regarding why churches support overseas missions so much as well as a situation where a cell group was going to focus on fellowship and games instead of searching God's Word:

Now you've got me going...

First, you are right in your criticism about churches bragging about supporting X and Y missionaries, especially if they are Western in non-Western countries, who for the most part do absolutely nothing in terms of expanding the Kingdom (that was a broad statement, too general, but point taken). Support must go to native-born missionaries, but as I found out in Kenya this summer, Westerners are hesitant to support such a cause. We will blindly give all of our money to an institution with investments and land holdings and basically no accountability, etc. (I am talking about a church) yet hesitate to support a native missionary on the grounds that they don't think his or her integrity are strong enough when they are leading people to Jesus by the droves.

In brief, funding needs to go overseas because that is where the harvest is and the needs are. We get racist in America and spend all this money and time on hard hearts when $30 a month can go to a GFA missionary who will start 20 churches and lead 500 people to the Lord in a year, when we may spend a thousand times that on outreach and see one person come to the Lord. I'm not saying that one person is not important or it's wrong to do that, but there must be a balance, and I feel contrary to what you said that not enough conern or funding is going overseas. Consider the following quote:

In 1900, 95% of the church was in the West, and white. By the year 2000 it is estimated that 60% of the world's Christians will be in non-Western countries, a testimony to God who worked during the traditional missionary movement) despite the flaws of his messengers and the flaws of their methods.

In saying that, action needs to be done in the local community balanced with meeting the needs of the people. Talk about a way to witness to the glory of the Lord, how about buying a washer and dryer for a single mom who works full time and has that need. I just heard of a situation like this yesterday and a group of believers who met that need. It was brought to a church but told it had to go to committee and was never tabled again. Or like the situation at another church this summer where it was said that the church had no money in their budget to meet a very simple need. Now I'm getting angy!

Another question on the group, and it's none of my business, but don't you think you can do both fellowship and lead them closer to a knowledge of the Lord. You are right that you don't have to pound theology and doctrine, but what about focusing on the meta-narrative. There are so many stories and parables and teaching points available in Scripture, why go away from that. Show them the love of the Savior, not the legalistic Jesus that we present today. Just some thoughts, like I said, none of my business, I just get concerned when we dumb people down and make it all about fun and fellowship. It doesn't work.

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