Friday, March 31, 2006


I just submitted my final paper for my last class of my master's degree. What a feeling. If I wasn't so tired and I didn't have to get up at 6:30 tomorrow morning I'd go out for a few, but I'm headed to bed. The paper was on homosexuality, which I wasn't too thrilled about, but I tried to balance the fact that it is wrong, unnatural, and dangerous with the fact that we need to love these people as Christ would. One particular quote in my research I feel really portrayed the conundrum we Christians are in on this topic. It comes from Jeffrey Satinover, M.D. and his book "Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth":

Gay politics arouses in me an exasperated, somewhat stifled, outrage, exasperated and stifled because of the tangle of conflicting emotions that arise when ‘political power’ is joined to ‘victim’ status; outrage because gay activism distorts the truth and harms not only society but homosexuals themselves, especially young people.


How can our hearts not go out to the young, pre-homosexual boy or girl who is already shy, lonely, sensitive, and who surely suffers taunting rejection and maybe even beatings by the very peers he or she envies and most longs to be with? Can we really blind ourselves to the presence of that still-suffering child within the adult, however bristling and exotic an exterior with which he protects himself? And finally, just how different is ‘the homosexual’ from ourselves? We so easily see-and then look down on-the self-protective maneuvering in others, which is far less painful to admit it in ourselves. (20-21)


James said...

Since moving to Wisconsin, and really even Madison, God has really been opening my eyes in the area of homosexuality. Growing up in the South, you can imagine what my stance has been. However, I've come to realize that a man lusting after another man really isn't any different than me, as a married man, lusting after a woman. Can you be a christian and a homosexual? I don't think that's for me to decide. I struggle with my own sins everyday, but thankfully Jesus died on a tree for ALL sins. However, I do feel that God has awesome things in store for us, even on this earth, but they may not be realized if we are bound by a particular sin. Bottom line, I agree with the last sentence, I'm in no position to "look down" on anyone else.

Anyway, congratulations on being done. Wish I could be there to celebrate. You sure you don't want to load up the girls and head to Madtown for a little Final 4 action??

JPN said...

I always think of the South as being more progressive, but I guess I'm wrong...

The thing for me with homosexuality is that it is wrong, we all do wrong, but the difference with you and me when we lust after women we know we are doing wrong. If we can agree on that then the obvious application is to love the person with the love of Christ. But if we get caught up in it being genetic, we'll never move beyond that point.

If I felt the girls would survive the two-hour drive, I'd be loading the truck as we speak. We'll get down there soon, we are planning on running the Crazy Legs, Adam might come too.