Saturday, June 24, 2006

Problem number 435 with our insurance system, this one blamed on the consumers:

This weekend is our girls basketball tournament. It's this weekend every year and from 7am to 5pm I sit in a gym and help run the thing, I'm even reffing this year. After the first game, a girl came up to me asking to be taped, so we took her into the training room and I taped her angle. She was walking with a slight limp but made no ill faces as I handled the ankle to tape it. A few minutes later her mother came up to me asking where the nearest Aurora walk-in clinic was. She said her daughter still had a little limp and pain and she wanted to take her in. WHY? You know it's not broken. The Dr. is going to say to ice it, stay off of it, and if it gets worse to come back. See, the problem is that if our insurance covers it, we'll take advantage, and this is leading to higher rates. If that lady had to pay for that care, she wouldn't go in unless it was serious, and rates would stay lower. It's a broken system, and I see no way of fixxing it as reliant as we have become on health care for every little ailment.


James said...

You should have gone Mr. Myagi on her and told her to get back on the court. This seems like a good case to support your health insurance being like car insurance. If you know you're going to take your daughter to a walk in clinic for a sprained ankle, you should have to pay more upfront. If you're old school, and need to be seeing bone before you think about letting a professional look at it, you don't need to pay as much. You should run for governor. Maybe you and Adam could run against each other...that'd be awesome.

Anonymous said...


Jason, can you clap your hands and rub MY ankle?

JPN said...

I'm all for taking care of my kids, but this was ridiculous. A case of an over-protective mother using absolutely no common sense!

JPN said...

BTW James, thanks for hitting the town last night, I had a great time, looking forward to seeing you soon, I'll try to get down there with Japheth.

Adam Nate said...

Me and JP running against eachother? Not necessary. Free and fair elections are for suckers. I don't "run" in elections. I fix them. And my endeavor towards worldwide dominion is currently right on track. Those who aren't with me are against me. So the choice is clear - JP and others can either help me in my undertaking or they are a problem. And you know what tyrants such as myself do with problems, don't you? We eliminate them. It's nothing personal mind you, just business.

So, whether you "vote Nate in '08" is irrelevant. I will win one way or another. My campaign slogan?

"Adam Nate - I don't tell you what to think, I tell you to think. I decide - you report."

My name is Adam Nate and I approve this message.