Friday, July 14, 2006

When I'm wrong I say I'm wrong. I turned on the TV late last night and there was an ABC Nightline News report on Rick Warren and his scheduled trip next year to North Korea. At first I was like, "Here we go again..." and found myself agreeing with the skeptical reporter who argued that a crusade to North Korea would do nothing but boost a regime where there is no religious freedom and thousands if no millions of people have been starved to death while Kim Jong Il lives like a king. But Warren answered appropriately, I believe, when he responded that he doesn't care about the politics of the region when he has the opportunity to deliver a message that "may provide people with a purpose and hope and peace in life through Jesus Christ and gain eternal salvation through Him." WOW! Just the fact that he didn't mention his Purpose Driven Program earned my respect, but he actually mentioned Jesus! Then he was quoted as saying that if anything seems fishy about the trip or if he ever feels used or that the lives of the believers in North Korea will be harmed by his trip he won't hesistate to pull the plug. Rick, I've ripped you before, but kudos to you!

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