Thursday, December 28, 2006

If John Edwards announces that he is running for President in 2008 and no one hears it, did it really happen?

Seriously, does this guy thing he has a shot, what with Barak and Hillary sparring this early in the race. Save your time and money Sen. Edwards!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see it otherwise. I think ANY Democrat with even the slightest bit of name recognition nationally – be they a governor, a senator, a congressman, a mayor, etc. – would be a fool not to throw their hat in the race given a sour Republican base, independents hostile attitude toward Republicans, and really no clear candidate that excites either conservatives or libertarians. So as it stands right now whoever wins the Democratic primary has a great shot at the White House.

As for Barak Obama, he is peaking way to early and is doomed to falter given the fickle nature of voters, his lack of taking barely any stands on basically anything, and the “what-have-you-done-for-me-lately” (or “what-have-you-done-AT-ALL”) voter mentality. And this is not even mentioning the fact that the Clintonistas still have yet to launch an all-out assault on the junior senator from Illinois.

Hillary is still the frontrunner, and will remain there for probably most of 2007. But ’08 is still a long way off, and what John Edwards is hoping for is a Hillary meltdown or a serious Democratic introspection as to her electability somewhere along the road. And bear in mind that Edwards is (a) from the South (the two – three if you think Al Gore won in 2000 – most recent Democratic Presidents have been from the South) and (b) going to center his campaign on the “Two-America’s”/class-warfare rhetoric that the modern American left (i.e., socialists) drools over.

It’s going to be quite an entertaining time. And, of course, very little will change.
