Wednesday, April 04, 2007

This made its way into my inbox this afternoon:

Shortly before Christmas, Dave Talbot's mother lay dying in hospital. Barely conscious for much of the time, and clearly in the last few days of her earthly journey, she slipped further and further away from her grieving family. Then, with a sudden surge, her eyes shot open. She raised herself up a little and cried, "Heaven! Heaven! Heaven!" She slumped back into her bed and soon departed.

The undertaker who came for her body noted that, in 5000 deaths, he had seen only five people die with a smile on their face like hers. Her suffering became a revelation and affirmation to her family of an eternal reality.

Today Colin Harrison -- a 32-year-old losing his battle with melanoma -- prepares for that same journey "across the bar," as Tennyson once famously described it. His wife, Kasey, has suffered with him through this 12-month ordeal. His labored breathing, little speech, and drifting consciousness make this torture from a human perspective. He's transforming from mortality to immortality, and from perishable to imperishable (see 1 Corinthians 15:42, 53).
Yesterday, Kasey sent an e-mail in which she affirmed:

In acceptance there is peace.
Let thy heart be still.
Let thy restless worries cease
And accept His will.
Though this test be not thy choice
It is His, therefore rejoice.

Not everyone sees or senses the hand of God during suffering. But sometimes, by His grace, He uses suffering to draw back the veil for a moment, so that we can see things eternal. He comes to us and reveals Himself amidst our pain.

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