Sunday, March 30, 2008

Just got back from four glorious days in DC. What a great city! Though we only had a few days and an understandably crabby daughter, I could not have enjoyed the sights and sounds and culture anymore than I did. A few highlights:

1) We only had a few minutes in the cemetary, but the Changing of the Guard at the Arlington Cemetary along with walking past the Iwo Jima Memorial right after was humbling and inspiring.

2) I snuck into two areas in the Library of Congress that visitors are not supposed to be in, what a place! Words cannot express it!

3) Through the friend who was married yesterday, we received a tour of the Capitol Building from one of Sen. Brownback's aides. This young woman was completely amazing, the most amazing woman I have ever met. She is completely blind (if she is in a room that is dark and a light goes on or vice versa she can sense that, but nothing else) yet led us through three buildings and countless sides rooms and gave us an unbelievable tour. Again, I have not met a person in this world who amazes me more than her.

4) Riding the DC Metro is a trip. I loved it! Clean, safe, lots of convenient stops, it took us a little bit to learn the ropes and such but once we got the hang of it (and held on tight to our map) we travelled quickly and cheaply with the car in the garage the whole time.

5) We were at the front gate of the White House taking in the views when we were quickly and tersely asked to move away, that section was being closed down until further notice. So we went to a side gate and were told the same. We moved to a safe location a block or so away from the gates and within a few minutes, in came the Presidential Helicopter landing on the front lawn, either bringing him or taking him away, and minutes later departing. That was pretty cool!

Of course, there's the normal other highlights (Holocaust Museum, Lincoln and Washington Memorials, etc.) that are on every tourist's list, but these I will never forget.

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