Monday, December 25, 2006

Since Lisa will never go to the movies with me, I was going to go to "The Good Shepherd" tonight, alone. She told me it was too weird to go by myself, I said no one else would go with me, she asked if I had asked my good friend Dan to go along? I countered that it may be weird to go alone, but weirder to ask another guy. Which is worse?


edluv said...

i think alone is stranger. i don't know, we shouldn't think it's odd to be solitary at times, but when you see that one guy sitting alone in a theater, it just seems creepy.

JPN said...

You are probably right, especially the 10pm showing on Christmas night, might get some looks...

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with the solo movie goers. I used to go to movies by myself ALL THE TIME when I lived in Hawaii. I grew to actually prefer it. And whether its movies or really anything else, I HAVE to have my daily and weekly times of solitude. It refreshes my heart, my soul, and my mind.

“The companion I have found most companionable is solitude.” – Henry David Thoreau


edluv said...

it's funny, we go to the movies with people, chat during the preshow, and then sit silently. honestly, i don't mind watching movies alone, so i can just totally get imersed in the film. don't bother me.

but, i also like watching a movie, and then being able to discuss it afterwards, which takes at least one other.