Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Do you ever feel like you are supposed to be doing something else, that your current career/place in life isn't really what God has for you? I feel like that all the time, yet this thought also comes to mind.

I am never going to feel totally at peace with the Lord until heaven. Do you agree? I can have this earthly peace of mind with the Lord, but God has set eternity in my heart and my only true fulfillment will come when I am with Him. 1 Cor. 13 says "Now we see but a poor reflection, as in a mirror, then we shall see face to face." I see that poor reflection every time I look in a mirror, but one day I will see the Lord, and then I will have that fufillment that I am always longing for.

My point is this, I never feel secure or fulfilled in what I am doing, yet I need to do it with all of my heart. I must work as though working for the Lord, that is what the Bible says many times. I can't get caught in looking forward to next year or retirement (I have a long time for that yet) or whatever, just serve the Lord where He has me right now, and if it changes, praise God, if not, praise God, either way, as my good friend always says, either way we will still praise God!

I just hope I can live that on a daily basis.

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