Thursday, January 25, 2007

For some reason I was just convicted that I am quick to bash the beliefs of others but have not yet posted what I believe. I don't know why, but I'll give it a shot:

- I believe in One God, which exists in Three Persons
- I believe that God is good, and when created, the earth was good
- I believe that at the Fall of Man, when sin broke the perfect God-Man relationship, that a curse was put upon both Man and the earth, resulting in the calamity we presently experience in both
- I believe that the only way back to relationship with God is through faith in Jesus Christ
- I believe that the troubles of the world will continue to grow worse, resulting in Jesus Himself one day returning to take home His people
- I believe that the ministry of the Church is God-ordained but in no way what we view today in the Western world
- I believe God loves all people
- I believe that sanctification is a process, one that takes a lifetime, and is not meant to be a "if you don't shape up and act like us pretty soon we are going to begin questioning your salvation" type of process
- I believe that the only way to transformation is through the ministering of the Holy Spirit
- I believe too often we've reduced God to a formula, taking out the mystery and miracle and awe and power that He possesses
- I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is meant and "useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness."

I believe a lot more, but this summarizes it for now.

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