Monday, September 20, 2004

First, I watched the movie "Seven" again last night, a very disturbing movie if I must say...

Second, the Lord has for some time given me a great heart for children, especially those from abused backgrounds. I don't know what He is doing to do with that yet but I'm listening.

Then I had this dream last night that deals with this same thing. I'll try to make it short:

I'm in something like a mall food court area and a little girl (who happens to be my daughter Maiya) is roaming around. I ask her where her family is and she doesn't know so I take her to the security and on the way we meet her father and younger sister (about a year or younger) and the father is paying no attention to her, clearly neglecting both daughters. We then instantly move from the food court to a home in the kitchen where I am now talking with the father and mother and playing with my daughter (their daughter in the dream). I was about to leave but the daughter didn't want me to. I told her she would be fine and I left even though she was screaming. I began to walk out again even though the daughter didn't want me to. I felt that something bad was going to happen but the father was pusing me out and I said to the little girl "I feel something bad is going to happen, there is nothing I can do, I trust there is a God and He will protect you..." But as I walked out I realized I couldn't allow this to happen so I couldn't leave and told the father what I felt. He erupted and I had to hold him back from beating me and the daughter up, while the wife was obviously frightened.

I awoke as I was leaving the house with the daughter (again, my daughter). I then had this very strange feeling that the Lord's Presence was with me at that time, letting me know things were all right. I had this deep peace, yet I didn't get any clear direction. Clearly a crazy dream and even as I write this hours later I am still shaken.

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