Thursday, September 16, 2004

I'm getting old. These crazy hairs have been showing up high on my cheeks and they look terrible so I have to have Lisa pull them out. I don't want to shave them or more will come. OUCH!

I look around school sometimes and wonder what Maiya will be like when she is this age. Will she fit in? Will she be different? Will she live for Jesus? Will she have friends? It's crazy becoming a parent and having all these thoughts go through your head and get worried about them.

I was reading about patience last night and how God is so patient and desires that none should perish... Sometimes I want God's judgment to come right now, "Blow the trumpet and let's get this party started!" But then I remember God's patience and the parable of the weeds where if the weeds were picked some of the wheat may get torn up as well and God doesn't want that.

Then I was thinking about this on my way into work this morning and I was reminded of a time way back when when I had way too much to drink and shouldn't have been driving and very well could have gotten into an accident and died and I know where I would have gone. Praise God for His Patience!

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