Sunday, April 10, 2005

I think one of the devil’s greatest tools is telling Christians to stay away from non-believers, causing them to cling together in a holy huddle while the world around them goes to hell. He’s done it to me.

I was driving over the College Avenue Bridge today and looked out to the east to see a man in a fishing boat. I had never seen that before.

I’m doing better personally. Still in and out of the funk, did better all day today but back into it tonight. See the light at the end of the tunnel though.

I took Maiya to a mainline denominational church this morning. As soon as we got in there and stated singing she wanted to sing “Jesus Loves Me.” I knew that wasn’t happening. We only lasted about ten minutes. I went to see a friend, but then didn’t see him there. One thing did impress me though. A man stood up asking the congregation to help an older lady who is confined to her bed, whose daughter is also disabled at the time, and whose granddaughter is very young. They all live in the same place and it seems they were being evicted. He asked the congregation to help not for him, not for the church, but as an act of worship on this the Sabbath. WOW! I never heard that before, like I said, very impressed.

I went to that gathering of believers again this evening that I mentioned last week. Again, what a blessing. Only a few people there this time, different location, but same old great fellowship and discussion. Talked about Matthew 18, good stuff! I hope to bring Lisa next week. I can’t really figure out what is so good about it, but once I do I’ll let you know. All I can say is how much I am being blessed!

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