Monday, December 13, 2004

It's really weird, I despise the Christmas Holiday, it's just gotten too consumer-oriented and really there is very little "Birth of Christ" meaning left in it. I would like to boycot it totally but with our culture as it is that is really impossible.

But here is the catch. Every year I say I am not going to participate, not going to buy presents (of course I still accept the ones I get even though I tell people not to buy me anything) and so on. Yet when the last week or two before the big day come, I get drawn to buy people presents and I get into the "Christmas spirit." I don't know what it is, it repels me yet I still fall for it. What is it about our psychie (sp?) that draws us to those things we don't want to be associated with? Maybe it's the flesh, maybe it's just that we can't escape it in our culture. I don't know, but it really has me thinking.

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