Monday, November 20, 2006

I like the balance Chuck Missler places in his latest KHouse news on the church and state:

We have a responsibility to oversee our representatives, to hold them accountable, and to make our voices heard. Individual Americas, whatever their religious beliefs, are not only free but should speak out to make sure that our local and federal public servants are doing their jobs well.

Churches, however, are in a different position. If a church has not filed for a 501(c)(3) tax exempt status, then the pastors and representatives of that church may politic from the pulpit as much as they like.

...Specifically, pastors or church representatives may not use their official capacity to endorse any one candidate, nor do too much to advocate for the adoption or rejection of specific legislation. Official church newsletters or other publications may not endorse specific candidates or legislation.

I can live with that.

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