Wednesday, May 23, 2007

As the few of you who read this probably already know, I hate the following argument put forth by Georgetown Forward Jeff Green:

School is only going to be here four years," Green told the newspaper. "The NBA will be there forever. You can't just give up that. That's a big thought in this process.

No Jeff, school will be there forever, and you can afford any college you want after you make your NBA money. While I don't disagree with his pending decision to return to school, improve his skills, and try his luck next year in a weaker draft, his reasoning is all wrong. Colleges will always be there, one only has a limited time to make their money in professional sports.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more! One of my high school teachers once explained it like this... "Picture yourself being a senior in high school and an outstanding computer minded person. You've just decided that in college you will major in Computer Programming. One week later, Bill Gates calls you for your dream job working for him for millions of dollars a year, plus a couple million dollar signing bonus. What should you do?"... These guys are playing college ball so they can get a JOB playing in the NBA. How can any sane person give up millions of dollars so they can stay in school and take classes that will never be put to use (see Matt Leinart). If you're a projected top ten or fifteen, i'm not sure i'd even question it, I'm gone!

Anonymous said...

I agree 100%!!! In fact, I would even take it a step further. High school athletes – hell, grade school athletes – ought to be allowed to play pro sports. If child actors and pop stars can manage school while raking in the Benjamin’s, so should any athlete despite his age in, say, the NBA. Am I wrong? (I know I'm an asshole Patrick, but am I wrong :-) )

Anonymous said...

Adam, you're out of your element! Dude, the age is not the issue here, the age is not the issue. This is about drawing a line in the sand and across that line you shall not...(Rant ended) Question, should this be the case for football then as well. Question, why does the NBA and NFL feel the need to protect kids who are dumb enough to think they are ready for the next level when they aren't? I heard something like 15 high school kids declared for the NFL draft when they briefly opened their doors (by court order) to any aged kids. I say let them play and get totally schooled, and then it'll eventually work itself out. Fact, problem solved.