Monday, April 21, 2008

Hello everyone, I am JP’s youngest brother, and will also be contributing to this blog every now and then.

To follow Adam’s layout, I’ll give you a little bit about myself. I’m a recent graduate of the esteemed University of Stevens Point, with degrees in Philosophy and Business Administration. You’ll notice the philosophy part of that will come into play quite frequently, as I try to be as logically sound as possible. Like Adam and JP, I’ve also been redeemed by the blood of the lamb and am a bible thumping fundamentalist Christian! Politically, I’m a free-wheeler, give me liberty or give me death type guy, the more freedom from government the better! Personally, I’m about as sarcastic as they come, and enjoy witty and comedic comments.

To conclude, I’m going to leave my first post on this site the same way I did my first post on my previous (unsuccessful) blog… “(My posts) are an open discussion forum. I encourage discussion and when need be some dissension. Now with that, let the madness begin with a tagline from one of my favorite talk show hosts, Jim Rome, “Have a take, but don’t suck!”

PNate out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Classic Rome: