Tuesday, April 22, 2008

This is an intersting take on the recent goings on in Texas, linked here. Adam actually posted this on a different site, so this is me stealing his material!

My question after reading this is at what point does the government need to step in on a situation like this? I haven’t read much more about this than what I linked to, but regardless, when can the government step in? I hate government involvement in anything, and I can see the slippery slope that Vox Day is warning us about, but if kids are being sexually abused, then I’ll be the first one to kick down that door to get those children out. Am I to assume that Vox would prefer that all parents be left to their own ways of raising kids, even if that means a good beating to teach the child a lesson? Boy, I sure hope not…

…On a quick side not, I saw this a while ago but thought it was particularly relevant after reading Vox’s slippery slope argument at the end of his article. Recently, a petition was started in the UK, found here. Like the traditional saying goes, I can’t make this stuff up!

PNate Out

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