Saturday, February 04, 2006

A few noteworthy quotes:

Larry Crabb (The Pressure’s Off) rebukes the crass happiness syndrome of modern evangelicalism by writing: “I have no strategies in mind to give you a better marriage, better kids, a more complete recovery from sexual abuse, or quicker healing after your divorce…. Nor, I believe, does God.”

George Barna recently reported that over the last decade, as a percentage of the population, there was a zero gain in the number of Christians in America, despite the fact that $500 billion was spent on domestic ministry in that same period. For all our buildings, programs, and outreach, we have zero net gain! This sobers us, but it also awakens our resolve to find real answers.

Check out the following link regarding personal savings, I didn't know that savings could actually be a negative number:,1,6429103.story?coll=chi-business-hed

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