Friday, March 31, 2006

I fell for an appeal to pity a few weeks ago on a fellow blogger's site. His post discussed his research regarding abortion and the idea from wikipedia that "the main reason for abortion is economics. I disagreed since if you look at the stats, economics is the second leading reason (only 1 in 5) and the fact that with the social service opportunities present in America, I find it hard to believe that one who wants assistance cannot find it.

Anyway, in my response to his post I failed to mention what J.P. Moreland properly points out in "Love Your God With All Your Mind" when he writes, "But the question of the moral responsibility of abortion is an issue of the moral status of the fetus, not a question of how we feel about the rich or poor in this context" (121). I believe abortion is morally wrong, that life begins at conception, I find it hard to believe that anyone who has had a child and seen the life present at ten weeks would disagree for anything other than alterior motives. I know the obvious rebuttal argument is that if Christians are so opposed to abortion, then they need to do more to help the mother and baby when it is born. While that may be a good and smart idea, it's another fallacious argument of the ad hominen tu quoque variety. It shifts the blame from the aborter to the arguer.

You won't see me protesting at an abortion clinic with a sign "God hates those who abort" but I do believe VERY STRONGLY in the right to life.

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