Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I've discovered pet peeve number 4596: that person who sits down in a restaurant, orders water, receives the menu, and 15 minutes later when the waiter/waitress comes back to take the order has no idea what they want to eat, making everyone wait for them in uncomfortable silence. To make matters worse, they have no idea what side items come with their order ("Oh, I get to pick two sides, what are they?") or what salad dressings are offered even though the waiter/waitress just rattled them off for the previous three people who ordered! And yes, this has been happening to me a lot lately.


James said...

They should have a default order, so that after 15 minutes if you're not ready you automatically get the pot roast, a side of brocolli and french dressing on your salad.

JPN said...

True that!