Saturday, June 24, 2006

Ahhhhhhhhhh, the benefits of being a teacher.

This past Monday night I had to go get a new pool cover for our pool. I walk into the store and immediately hear "Hi Mr. Nate!" I turned to see a former student working the desk. I bought the pool cover but had to go back later in the night to get some things I forgot. As I purchased them and asked the clerk how to use them and prepared to pay, he said to my former student, "You know him right, then he gets them for free." How nice.

Then tonight Maiya and I went to Cold Stone for some ice cream. The Cold Stone is located in a little mini strip mall along with a phone store, Starbucks, Jimmy John's, and some new Ebay store. Anyway, as I'm walking out with my Like It Creation, out runs another former student out of Starbucks. He happens to be a barista there (has hooked me up plenty) and in his hand was a venti valencia chai latter, my favorite, on the house! I hadn't even gone in the store, yet there he was. I'll have to rethink any change of occupations in the near future.


Anonymous said...

Shoot that's great!! My kids hit on me but they never brought me free coffee. I think I'd prefer the chai latte...I KNOW I'd prefer the chai latte!!!

James said...

Will see what you're saying once your students realize that you live a stone's throw from the HS. It's going to be toilet paper city. And privacy...I don't think so.

The only benefits I might get is some free corn. Ok, that was rude of me.