Monday, June 12, 2006

Just a little update on me after 24 hours of total inactivity:

1) It's amazing how good you feel after being down and out with the flu. Right now, I'm maybe 70%, but I don't know if I've ever felt better. It's like you have to feel the worst before you can appreciate how good it feels to feel good.

2) I was at a wedding on Saturday night and caught an interesting view. I was walking out of the dance hall as the dance was beginning, and it was a group of slow songs being played. As I walked out I caught the priest who performed the wedding standing in the doorway. I wish I could express the look on his face, it was almost envious. These poor guys...

3) With nothing to do yesterday and no way to leave the couch, I rented "Fun With Dick and Jane" On Demand. It sucked! Waste of $2.95! But "Along Came Polly" was on twice and I watched parts of it both times. I'm not a fan of romantic comedies, but as I've written here before I thought this was a good film. Most enjoyable was Philip Seymour Hoffman. What an actor, not a big fan of his characters, but anyone who can take on those roles gets my props. He even got the first-ever character prop from Lisa who commented on his acting, first time I've ever heart that from my lovely wife.

4) This move is driving me crazy (I can't stop the thinking and planning), but I'm very excited it will be done on Saturday!

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