Friday, August 11, 2006

it's 6:15 pm Kenya time as i sit in the airport and wait for our flight. we got here plenty early due to the terrorist plot in the uk, expecting a delay, but it seems as though everything is set. there were no restrictions, just a little extra security. if you see this, please pray for our safe and quick return home.

right now, a lot is going on in my head, there are some things that words just cannot express:

1) how much i miss home, it hurts, really, it hurts.

2) how bad the roads are in this country, especially the one to masai mara

3) how amazing the wildlife is in that park, yesterday we saw zebra, elephant, giraffe, wildebeests, a hundred different kind of deer, and, believe it or not, i was about ten feet away from a lion with my window wide open clicking on a camera as it rested in the bushes. today we sat for about a half hour and watched a pride of about twelve lions play, yell, yawn, etc., and then a cheetah was about five feet from our vehicle. literally i could have reached out and touched the cheetah, lion, and elephant, no joke!

oh yeah, we did some ministry as well, but the last few days since i last wrote was mostly playing with the kids, i led a seminar for some teachers i trained last year, etc. things have been good. again, your prayers for a safe and quick journey are appreciated!

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