Saturday, March 12, 2005

A couple of random thoughts as I return from my two days in Madison...

...Liberal as it is, I love that culture. Sipping coffee, discussing the topics of the day, it just makes me feel alive. Also a great place to people watch. Some interesting folk!

...I spent most of my time watching basketball games. It's very interesting to be surrounded by high school coaches whose seasons ended with a loss critiquing coaches who are coaching in the state tourament, the goal of every coach. They obviously did something right. YOU DIDN'T GET THERE, THEY DID, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT AND LEARN SOMETHING!

...Although, having said that, I saw a coach do something last night that I have never seen before at any level of coaching. Her team down by 18 with 1:49 left in the second quarter and she demanded that her team stand at the half court line and go for the last shot. Lady, you are down 18 against the best team in the state, you don't have time to waste. I can honestly say that is the worst coaching move I have ever seen at any level.

...I managed to do a little shopping and bought myself a flashy pair of shoes (very European in my mind) and a sweater. As I was purchasing them I thought about how buying something makes a person feel better about themselves, like this is the item that'll put me over the edge. Our esteem is so tied to our possessions. So true, yet so antithetical to Kingdom living.

1 comment:


I completely agree with your view on Madison's culture. It has an atmosphere that can't be matched by many cities in the country. The only one that might come close in my mind is Boulder, Colorado. There's something very European about the Madison vibe - especially State Street - that sets it apart. I can't wait to go down this week.

Looking forward to seeing your flashy kicks!