Friday, August 12, 2005

- My vote for the celebrity being most misplaced with the produce he or she is endorsing has to be Tiger Woods and Buick. You couldn't pay me enough to believe this guy is driving the vehicle I grew up with.

- One concern that came to my mind while in Africa was how we as Westerner's try to fix everything about their culture. I noticed that in a lot of the white people I met, and I think it stuck out to me more because that is the polar opposite of my purpose there. I seek more to listen to the needs, build relationships, and empower where I can rather than come in like I know it all and overpower the existing ministries. I think the problems caused by the latter outweigh the good that it does. In addition, we get too concerned about the "accountability" of those we are working with. In other words, if they don't do things the way we would, then they aren't full of integrity and we pull out our support of them. I was pressured to do that last year with my friend Japheth, and I almost fell for it. Fortunately, I have come to the realization that I must obey the heart the Lord has given me for that ministry and others, and when I am called to give, I need not worry about any other factors, I must just obey.

- It's really amazing how much I am hearing different opinions from different people about different churches in the Fox Valley. I am thinking of one church in particular due to a converstation yesterday, but it happens with others as well. This person couldn't stop praising the vision and such of church A, yet I have heard so many people just bash this church and it's leader. There is no in-between, it's like politics, very polarized and now willing to hear what the other side has to say.

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