Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The following was posted on, a pomo online discussion group and is in response to waht some are saying is that nothing is new in the pomo movement. What I like about it is that the author is encouraging us all to continue our lives, even in the midst of a theological and personal transformation. We can't just sit back and wait, we need to get out and live!

But when all is said and done, I'm not convinced that the conversation, as circular and mundane as it sometimes appears, is quite so easy to write off. We are in a transitional and liminal time: this makes everything unsettled and awkward, and most of us feel tremendous unrest and a sense of urgency. We are not what we were, and not what we will be.. and we are often wandering off the map, uncertain even of direction. We feel resistance around us, and resistance within us. It's very uncomfortable.And while we wait for this movement to take shape and take flesh.. while we wait for more signs of the new church and new life to rise from the soil.. life goes on. We teach, and we talk.. we take our families to the beach, we sit in coffee shops and dream of the future.. we have our BBQs and care for the widows and orphans.. we debate ecclesiology and talk about the texture and shape of community.. it can feel like business as usual, when we know it is not. We sense in the Spirit a tremendous urgency.But I am encouraged that ultimately the test of spirituality is how well we handle the ordinary. Are we going deeper with one another and with the Lord? Are we learning to love in the day to day relationships the Lord has given? Are we caring for the widows and orphans? This is the final test of faithfulness and authenticity. It's not finally about who we will be tomorrow.. are we living the Gospel today?

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