Sunday, December 25, 2005

Fellow blogger Jordon Cooper calls these "contextless links" on his site, I'll refer to them as interesting articles you may want to check out:

A Rant on Christian Exodus Inspired by GQ Magazine

This next one is kind of lame, but it deals with an issue close to my heart, illegal immigration. As I've written much in this space here, I am not for open borders, I don't like those coming to America illegally and putting pressure on our social systems to support them. Something must be done. However, on the other hand, each of these people represent more than an issue, they have names and faces and families and stories, they want to work, they want to make their lives better, they have no problem paying taxes, but they aren't allowed. I can only imagine if my family had been born in poverty in Tijuana or some other Mexican city, I know had the opportunity occurred, my father would have brought us across the border and made a life for himself. That's who he is, and there are countless like him. This issue is a major elephant in the room that neither side wants to confront, I just hope they balance the needs of our country with the mercy and grace that this country was founded on.


edluv said...

i read the ooze here and there. for a while, i was really enjoying one of the guys that wrote a lot.

that article started really well. maybe it's my own theological development, but it lost me at the end. the whole luther quote. luther, although really good and important @ times, also had his flaws. he wrote a lot of antisemitic material. that particular quote is anti-anabaptist. now, i go to a mennonite brethren seminary. i work @ a mb university. luther actively persecuted anabapists. their sin, in his eyes, was rebaptizing adults that had been baptized as children (ana means re, although it's often confused for anti - no/against). so, when he's attacking them for going where it's "safe" he's really attacking them for converting people that were nominally lutheran (or perhaps catholic) and baptized as children. and his persecution wasn't just name calling. luther, like zwingli, called for anabaptist to be put to death for rebaptizing and not submitting to the state. and they were frequently martyred. these aren't false apostles or people going after weak sheep. so, the whole article, and argument falls completely apart.

I felt so strongly about this point that I just sent an email to the author of the article.

as for the other article, it's was an interesting look. shoot, i'm for open borders, but realize that it's unlikely to ever happen. but, it would be good for the gov't to figure something out, instead of just complaining about it being broke and then doing very little to fix it. well, then again, the whole build a wall idea is an attempt to fix. of course, it ignores the illegal immigration @ every other point in the country. countless are being shipped in through ports in shipping containers illegally. most are chinese or s.e. asian. other illegals come in through canada. (an interesting side note, the u.s. has caught terrorists trying to come through the canadian border with washington. no proof of them doing so with the mexican border.)


JPN said...

Great point on Luther and the Anabaptists. I had to go back and reread the article, but found that you are correct, it was a needless attack by Luther and a stetch which ruined the article as a whole.

I had heard a lot of talk of illegals going through the Mexican border, although no word of any arrests.