Thursday, May 25, 2006

Kendyl is 100% terror! From the time she wakes up in the morning until the time she goes to bed (just minutes ago) she terrorizes the house and goes 100mph. If you take her away from what she is doing, she throws a mini-fit and get into something else. The house is a disaster from her! Yet I wouldn't trade her for the world.

One of the cool things I was reflecting on as I put her down tonight was the love of God and if everything in this world were taken from me, I would still have Him and that is all I need. Friends, family, possessions, they could all disappear, like Job, yet the Name of the Lord would still be Praised. And that is a freeing feeling! It frees me not to sell out to the world or anyone in it. It frees me to care less about what the world thinks of me. Sure, I care deeply what Lisa and the kids and some of you along with other close friends think of me and, but that's only because I care about them and you as well. I appreciate our relationship and want to keep that. But beyond that, I'm free to be me, serve the Lord, and love and live in His Creation with no worries, with eternal security. What freedom! Now if I could just get that freedom to move from my head to my heart, I'd be in business.

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