Monday, January 03, 2005

I watch two movies in the past week that have really stuck with me. The first is "Garden State," which I have already referenced here. The second is "Beautiful Girls," an older movie which I had wanted to see again for some time. Two things stick out in my mind:

First, these movies were about real life. So many current flicks are about nothing but garbage, we watch them but really they just numb our minds. Movies like "Maid in Manhattan," "Men in Black," and even a recent favorite such as "The Bourne Supremacy" stick out in my mind. They just aren't real!

Second, what I took from these movies is the ability to love and how it's tough for us (me) to do. Whether is be just loving life, loving friends, or loving family, it's not always easy. For me it seems there is this hesitation at times to let love just go. Part of it is the male in me, part of it is sin, part of it is just me being me. But if these movies encouraged me in anything, it was to love, love those close to me, family, friends, co-workers, etc. God calls us to love, and love we must do. That is something I'm going to focus on more and see where it takes me. It may hurt at times but I think in the end it will be very edifying.

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