Sunday, January 16, 2005

More and more I am finding myself to be a very materialistic person. There are a lot of material things that I desire. Some are simple, some more extravagant, all unneccessary to my survival. Part of the problem is our culture, which continues to throw those items and gadgets at us and tell us that successful people wear and use these, the other part of me sees it simply as my flesh desiring things of this world rather than things of eternity.

Fortunately, the Spirit is also at work in me providing a necessary balance. I continue to get this picture of Oscar Schindler at the end of Schindler's list looking at all of his possessions and realizing that his watch could have saved 100 more Jews, his cuff links ten more, and so on. I don't want to get to the end of my road and realize that more families could have been rescued from slavery or reached with the Gospel or been prevented from having to prostitute themselves to put food on the table for their children.

God has given me and all people time, talents, and treasures that are meant to be used for His glory by bringing people to a love and knowledge of Him, may we all continue to use all that He has given us to serve Him.

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