Saturday, January 01, 2005

I've always had a deep heart for parents in such areas as the Sudan and other third world countries as they seek to provide for their children. We hear the stories of their children getting sick and the family leaving everything and embarking on a three or four day journey to the nearest clinic with the hope that maybe something can be done to help their child. More often than not, the child is dead or beyond help by the time they arrive.

My heart for these parents has grown even more over the past day and a half as my daughter has become very sick and has thrown up almost a dozen times and just lies around sleeping. While I do not fear for her life, I feel for her spirit and her body as she seeks to fight this sickness and recover to her old self. I also feel so thankful that I am surrounded by wonderful health care that is a three or four minute drive from my house where she will receive the proper treatment she needs.

I am thankful that we are blessed with the society we live in and my prayers go out to those parents not as fortunate as I. What have I done to deserve these blessings from the Lord?

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