Saturday, September 10, 2005

At Least They're Honest

The History Channel is profiling the 9-11 terrorists. One of them moved from Yemen in 1992 to Germany and was granted asylum status to study at Hamburg U. But it was noted that he moved because of Germay's liberal welfare system and received a monthly stipend while he went to school and honed his terrorist skills which he would later use to fly airplanes into the WTC. Nice!

Maiya has been asking many questions of late, mostly about God and how He makes things. Tonight we read Genesis 1 together and I tried to explain to her how God created the world ex nihilo - out of nothing. I don't think she can grasp that yet.

We were also reading about God creating animals, humans, etc. and she questioned where Jesus was. I said that Jesus was creating the world and that He and God were the same person. But she corrected me in saying that they were the same but just wore different clothes. All I could do was agree.

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