Sunday, September 11, 2005

The following is a post about Brian McLaren on Jordon Cooper's blog:

He was called to enter various cultures - Jewish cultures, Gentile cultures - and invite people to be reconciled to God and to one another. Of course, nobody can be everything to everybody at the same time, but you can, Paul implied, cross the bridge on the right side and enter a person’s world without judgment, and then go to the left side of the bridge and enter that person’s world without judgment as well.

The spirit of what McLaren is saying is true. The problem I see here is that both sides aren't playing by the same rules. I've written many times over the nearly two years of this blog that we cannot mandate biblical principles on the world, on those who don't identify with Christianity. Only through the power of the Holy Spirit does any of this make any sense. Therefore, how can we expect to enter the political arena, where most politicians are there for the power that comes with the office and don't humble themselves for what is right, and expect change to happen? We can enter this world as McLaren encourages, but we must enter it with the hope and purpose of spreading God's love and grace on those we come in contact with, and only then can we expect them to play by our rules. I see this post and example as another way the left is trying to duplicate the Religious Right, and I don't like it.

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