Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I completely agree with the Sports Guy:

Yet another question: Is A.J. Pierzynski the most annoying professional athlete in recent memory? He's like the Rick Barry of this generation -- everything he does seems annoying for some reason, even his interviews. You can see why the Giants and Twins couldn't stand him. I don't even think he's a bad guy, he's just one of Those Guys. If you played at a $25 table in Vegas with him, he seems like the guy who would say stuff like "Wow, you're way up right now, huh?" and scream "Whammy!" every time he was dealt a blackjack. And he wouldn't even know he was being annoying, so his friends would think of convoluted ways to ditch him, stuff like, "Hey, A.J., I'm gonna go walk around, get some air, I'll be back in 10 minutes" ... and then they would scurry to another casino. That's A.J., right?

He and David Eckstein may by the two most loathed players in MLB. Have you seen Eckstein's arm, how does he get the ball to first?

The UPS guy delivered two prized possessions today, the Alicia Keys "Unplugged" DVD and "Now I Can Die in Peace" by the Sports Guy.

1 comment:

edluv said...

last year, pierznkcksycyky was on the giants, whom i'm devoted to. i loved the guy. he's a great player, works his tail off, produces runs. he was also great to have batting near bonds. i was deeply saddened that the giants didn't make more of an effort to keep him. really, he was an asset in minnesota, was a good player for sf, they should have kept him.

have you ever heard him on the jim rome show? freaking hilarious. witty, tells it like it is, doesn't mince words.

but, i also read simmons, and generally find him hilarious. pierzynski may get under people's skin, but that's his game. he's got you distracted by his personality rather than paying attention to what is important, playing baseball. neither the giants or twins complained about his clubhouse personality. he was a free agent, and so sf picked him up. they immediately went to arbitration with him (stupid move) and so he was on a one year deal. the giants felt they could do better with matheny (another stupid move- little hitting production). chi was happy to get him, and he's rewarded them.