Wednesday, October 19, 2005

This looks like a great book!

The Scandal Of The Evangelical Conscience by Ronald J. Sider
eNews Exclusive!
Evangelical Christians say they believe in biblical moral standards and the power of God to transform lives - yet recent surveys show that most are not living any differently than the rest of the world. From money to sex to racism to personal self-fulfillment, a scandalous percentage of Christians are violating biblical standards with barely a twinge of conviction.
Ron Sider takes a painfully honest look at this disconnect to reveal the depth of the problem and contrast it with biblical teaching on the transforming power of genuine faith. When we apply these biblical teachings to our lives, we will be more suited to close the gap between who we are and who God calls us to be.
As a special offer to our eNews subscribers, we are proud to offer this unique book. However, supplies are very limited so it's availability is only on a first come first served basis.
Click Here To Order - $9.95 (Save over 20%)

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